I’m just going to type some random website building tidbits in this post, you may wish to stop reading right now. Most likely this won’t be interesting to anyone but us………….

. .

Yesterday, June 9th 2022, this site became live .. technically.

Built an earlier version, but it looked ehhh and really was just ehhh.
Sooo, off with its head!

Added one shirt to the store, yesterday evening…

And, it was sold at 0813hrs! Making Chris Walde’s History of Magic shirt to be the first shirt to sell on the website!

1007 hrs |  Started this blog post, then jumped off to set-up shipping in Woocommerce.


Received a sales e-mail from this website that said it was from, AWordPressSite .. not Teed Designs.


Even though Teed Designs was written in Settings -> General .. checked Woocommerce setting and all looked fine. Google was not my friend.

Literally, spent hours finding the place to change the setting.. after finding it, I feel silly, and I’m sure it will happen to others, too .. so posting it here, in case someone Googles this….

Admin -> Woocommerce -> Settings -> Emails.

Logical, right. But! I missed it, because…….

You scroll down .. keep scrolling .. the page changes to where it just looks like usual WordPress Admin spam notices which we all ignore .. but keep scrolling, and you’ll see it says -“Email sender options” .. boom, there it is.

Will list things to change and do, follow along if you want to….


  • front page
  • side bar of blog
  • font is tiny and spaced real weird, change
  • footer image to the Teed MMA logo
  • edit footer sections
  • add mailchimp .. done 6/10

.. forwarding this list to June 11th 2022. | will add any helpful design notes as the site is created.


Old fonts : Montserrat:400,700|Archivo:400,700|Rokkitt:400,700|Staatliches:400,700